Running Form
🦶 Feet & legs
- Short strides. Shorter strides will help you land below your center of gravity, go faster, and your feet will be less time on the ground. Longer strides can make you land on your heel and we want to avoid that. So, avoid heel-strike and overstriding.
- Foot strike pattern. Landing on your fore-foot or midfoot is a more natural way of running.
- Feet fall below your center of gravity.
💪 Arms, hands & shoulders
- Move your arms forward. Keep your arms bent at 80-100 degrees, parallel to your body. Swing the opposite arms and legs in sync, this will propel you forward. Move your arms in the direction of movement. (As opposed to moving your arms sideways). A common problem is asymmetrical form in the arm movement which can be generated by the weight of what you carry in your hands or arms (for example, a smartphone). Running pouches, running vests or clothing/apparel can help you carry that stuff and free your hands and arms.
- Shoulders and back are relaxed. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed, not tight.
- Hands are relaxed. A relaxed hand is ideal, so avoid tightening your hands into fists. Pretend you’re holding an egg in each hand that you don’t want to break.
👤 Head & torso
- Stay tall. Imagine a string pulling your head to the sky. This will also help improve your breathing.
- Incline your body forward. Running is like controlled falling. The forward incline comes from the ankles, not from the hips. The degree of the incline also changes with speed – the faster you run, the more the incline.
- Keep your torso and hips stable, facing forward. Avoid rotating them if your body allows it, tilting the hips can often be due to weak glutes/tight hamstrings.
- Breathing. Use your nose to inhale and exhale. If you can’t, exhale through your mouth. Some people find the process of playing around with breathing patterns more useful than using a specific breathing technique. Test various speeds so you can become aware of what’s most efficient for you.
😌 Bodymind & Awareness
- Awareness of your outer and inner environment is key: from the local weather, your surroundings, how well you sleep, what food you eat, the clothes you wear, the pace you run at, your heartbeat, your body sensations, your mind, the thoughts, feelings and emotions, that accompany you. With awareness comes insight and wisdom.